This pri­va­cy po­li­cy (“Pri­va­cy Po­li­cy”) de­fi­nes the me­thod of pro­ces­sing and se­cu­ring per­so­nal da­ta of users of the In­ter­net we­bsi­te (“Use­r”) ava­ila­ble at the ad­dress (“Por­ta­l”), col­lec­ted and pro­ces­sed in con­nec­tion with the use of the Por­tal, in­c­lu­ding the so cal­led co­okie fi­les.

The owner of the Por­tal is the com­pa­ny IMMOGDAŃSK Sp. z o.o based in Warsaw (“Por­tal Ow­ne­r”). The Por­tal Ow­ner re­spects the pri­va­cy of the Por­tal Users and as­su­res that it is com­mit­ted to re­spect the ap­pli­ca­ble law in the field of per­so­nal da­ta pro­tec­tion. The ma­in pur­po­se of this Pri­va­cy Po­li­cy is to en­su­re pri­va­cy se­cu­ri­ty for the Por­tal Users at a le­vel at le­ast equ­iva­lent to the stan­dards set out in the ap­pli­ca­ble law, in par­ti­cu­lar in the Act of 18 Ju­ly 2002 on elec­tro­nic se­rvi­ces (“Ac­t”) and the Re­gu­la­tion of the Eu­ro­pe­an Par­lia­ment and Co­un­cil (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of na­tu­ral per­sons with re­gard to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta and on the free mo­ve­ment of such da­ta and, re­pe­aling Di­rec­ti­ve 95/46/EC (“RODO/GDPR”) as well as the Act of 16 Ju­ly 2004 on te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­tions law (“Te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­tions La­w”). The Por­tal may con­ta­in links al­lo­wing the User to ac­cess di­rec­tly we­bsi­tes other than the Por­tal. With re­gard to such we­bsi­tes, the Por­tal Ow­ner re­se­rves that it is not re­spon­si­ble for the pri­va­cy po­li­cy ap­plied by the ad­mi­ni­stra­tors of the­se we­bsi­tes. The me­thod and sco­pe of col­lec­ting other da­ta and in­for­ma­tion, not re­la­ted to tech­ni­cal aspects of the Por­ta­l’s ope­ra­tion, will be de­ter­mi­ned by se­pa­ra­te ar­ran­ge­ments – cor­re­spon­din­gly to the­ir pur­po­se and will be pu­bli­shed in the re­le­vant form.


  1. The ad­mi­ni­stra­tor of per­so­nal da­ta of the Por­tal Users, col­lec­ted and pro­ces­sed in con­nec­tion with the use of the Por­tal and in con­nec­tion with the ope­ra­tion and func­tio­ning of the Por­tal is the Por­tal Ow­ner, i.e. is IMMOGDAŃSK Sp. z o.o based in Warsaw
  2. The Por­tal Ow­ner has ap­po­in­ted the Da­ta Pro­tec­tion In­spec­tor, who can be con­tac­ted by e-ma­il sent to the fol­lo­wing e-ma­il ad­dress: galeriaprzymorze@ap­sys­gro­
  3. The per­so­nal da­ta of the Por­tal Users will be pro­ces­sed by the Por­tal Ow­ner for the fol­lo­wing pur­po­ses on­ly:
    – for the pur­po­ses re­la­ted to the ap­pli­ca­tion of par­ti­cu­lar func­tio­na­li­ties of the Por­tal, re­la­ted to the use of the Por­tal, and for the pro­per ad­mi­ni­stra­tion of the Por­tal, in­c­lu­ding ge­ne­ra­tion of re­le­vant sta­ti­stics. The per­so­nal da­ta of the Por­tal Users will be pro­ces­sed by the Por­tal Ow­ner pur­su­ant to Art. 6 par. 1, let­ter f) of GDPR, i.e. for a le­gal­ly ju­sti­fied pur­po­se which shall be un­der­sto­od as tech­ni­cal ac­cess to the Por­tal and mo­ni­to­ring its ope­ra­tion, opti­mi­za­tion and ad­ap­ta­tion of the Por­tal’s func­tio­na­li­ties to the ne­eds and re­qu­ire­ments of the Users and for the pur­po­se of pro­vi­ding the Users with the po­ssi­bi­li­ty of using other in­te­rac­ti­ve func­tions of the Por­tal.
    – for the pur­po­se of pro­vi­ding the Por­tal Users with ac­cess to de­di­ca­ted e-ma­il ad­dres­ses on the Por­tal, pur­su­ant to Art. 6 par. 1 let­ter f) of GDPR, for a le­gal­ly ju­sti­fied pur­po­se, which shall be un­der­sto­od as ac­cep­tan­ce of an in­qu­iry sent to the e-ma­il ad­dress pro­vi­ded on the Por­tal (in par­ti­cu­lar in or­der to con­tact the User for the pur­po­se of pre­sen­ting of­fers to rent com­mer­cial pre­mi­ses in the Cen­tre and ma­na­ge­ment by the Por­tal Ow­ner of com­pla­ints abo­ut the Por­tal’s ope­ra­tion) and re­spon­ding to such an enqu­iry.
    – for mar­ke­ting pur­po­ses, sub­ject to a se­pa­ra­te con­sent gran­ted pur­su­ant to Art. 6 par. 1 let­ter. a) or Art. 9 par. 2 let­ter a) of GDPR, in­c­lu­ding com­mer­cial in­for­ma­tion abo­ut the Cen­tre­’s ac­ti­vi­ties sent by e-ma­il to the e-ma­il ad­dress or te­le­pho­ne num­ber pro­vi­ded in the re­le­vant form (“Newslet­ter”), pro­vi­ded that the User has expres­sed its con­sent to sub­scri­be to the Newslet­ter and has agre­ed to the pro­ces­sing of hi­s/her per­so­nal da­ta for this pur­po­se.
    – for the pur­po­se of pre­sen­ting on the Por­tal pho­tos of pe­ople stay­ing in the Cen­tre in con­nec­tion with re­le­vant even­t/pro­mo­tio­n/com­pe­ti­tion or­ga­ni­zed in the Cen­tre’s pre­mi­ses, sub­ject to a se­pa­ra­te con­sent gran­ted pur­su­ant to Art. 6 par. 1 let­ter a) or Art. 9 par. 2 let­ter a) of GDPR.
  4. Per­so­nal da­ta pro­ces­sed by the Por­tal Ow­ner do not in­c­lu­de spe­ci­fic ca­te­go­ries of per­so­nal da­ta wi­thin the me­aning of Art. 9 par. 1 of GDPR or da­ta on co­nvic­tions and vio­la­tions of law wi­thin the me­aning of Art. 10 of GDPR.
  5. Per­so­nal da­ta may be di­sc­lo­sed to any en­ti­ty from the ca­pi­tal gro­up to which the Por­tal Ow­ner be­longs, to the ma­na­gers of Galeria Przymorze shop­ping cen­tre (“Cen­tre”) who­se ac­ti­vi­ties are re­la­ted to the Por­tal and other en­ti­ties co­ope­ra­ting with the Por­tal Ow­ner, in or­der to en­su­re the pro­per ope­ra­tion of the Por­tal, in ac­cor­dan­ce with the da­ta pro­ces­sing agre­ements, in par­ti­cu­lar en­ti­ties pro­vi­ding ho­sting se­rvi­ces to the Por­tal and se­rvi­ces re­la­ting to pro­vi­sion and ma­in­te­nan­ce of the Por­tal.
  6. Per­so­nal da­ta will be pro­ces­sed for a pe­riod not lon­ger than it is ne­ces­sa­ry to achie­ve the pur­po­ses for which per­so­nal da­ta was col­lec­ted or until the da­te of wi­th­dra­wal of con­sent to the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta in con­nec­tion with sen­ding the New­slet­ter or for the pe­riod re­qu­ired by law.
  7. A da­ta sub­ject has the ri­ght to ac­cess the­ir da­ta and rec­ti­fy, de­le­te, re­strict its pro­ces­sing, the ri­ght to trans­fer da­ta or ob­ject to the­ir pro­ces­sing, the ri­ght to wi­th­draw con­sent at any ti­me wi­tho­ut af­fec­ting the le­ga­li­ty of the da­ta pro­ces­sing, per­for­med on the ba­sis of the sub­ject’s con­sent be­fo­re its wi­th­drawal. A da­ta sub­ject has the ri­ght to com­pla­int to the Pre­si­dent of the Of­fi­ce or Per­so­nal Da­ta Pro­tec­tion, if the pro­ces­sing of hi­s/her per­so­nal da­ta is con­tra­ry to the pro­vi­sions of ge­ne­ral­ly ap­pli­ca­ble law.
  8. The Por­tal Ow­ner pro­ces­se­s/do­es not pro­cess per­so­nal da­ta in an au­to­ma­ted man­ner.
  9. The Por­tal Ow­ner ma­kes eve­ry ef­fort to pro­tect the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal da­ta aga­inst any mi­su­se, in­ter­fe­ren­ce, loss, unau­tho­ri­zed ac­cess, mo­di­fi­ca­tion or di­sc­lo­su­re.


  1. Co­okie fi­les (so­-cal­led “co­okie­s”) are IT da­ta, in par­ti­cu­lar text fi­les, which are sto­red in the equ­ip­ment of the Por­tal User and are re­la­ted to the use of the Por­tal. Co­okie fi­les usu­al­ly con­ta­in the na­me of the we­bsi­te they ori­gi­na­te from, the­ir sto­ra­ge ti­me on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce and a uni­que num­ber.
  2. The en­ti­ty that uplo­ads co­okie fi­les on the Por­tal Use­r’s de­vi­ce and that ob­ta­ins ac­cess to them is the Por­tal Ow­ner.
  3. Co­okie fi­les are used for the pur­po­se of:
    1. opti­mi­za­tion and ad­ap­ta­tion of the Por­ta­l’s func­tio­na­li­ties to the ne­eds and re­qu­ire­ments of the Users, in par­ti­cu­lar co­okie fi­les al­low to re­co­gni­ze the Use­r’s de­vi­ce and pro­per­ly di­splay the Por­tal on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce in a man­ner ta­ilo­red to the Use­r’s in­di­vi­du­al ne­eds,
    2. ge­ne­ra­ting re­le­vant sta­ti­stics on the use of the Por­tal by the Users.
  4. The­re are two ty­pes of co­okie fi­les that may be used for the Por­ta­l’s ope­ra­tion: ses­sion co­okies which are tem­po­ra­ry fi­les sto­red in the Use­r’s de­vi­ce until the User loggs out, le­aves the we­bsi­te or turns off the so­ftwa­re (web brow­ser), and per­si­stent co­okies that are sto­red on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce for a pe­riod spe­ci­fied in the co­okie fi­les pa­ra­me­ters or until they are de­le­ted by the User.
  5. The fol­lo­wing ty­pes of co­okies may be used as part of the Por­ta­l’s ope­ra­tion:
    “ne­ces­sa­ry” co­okie fi­les, ena­bling the use of se­rvi­ces ava­ila­ble on the Por­tal, e.g. au­then­ti­ca­tion co­okies used for se­rvi­ces that re­qu­ire au­then­ti­ca­tion on the Por­tal;
    “se­cu­ri­ty” co­okie fi­les used to en­su­re se­cu­ri­ty, e.g. used to de­tect fraud re­la­ted to au­then­ti­ca­tion on the Por­tal;
    “per­for­man­ce” co­okies, ena­bling the col­lec­tion of in­for­ma­tion on the use of the Por­ta­l’s we­bsi­tes;
    “func­tio­na­l” co­okies, ena­bling the “re­mem­be­rin­g” of the set­tings se­lec­ted by the User and per­so­na­li­zing the Use­r’s in­ter­fa­ce, e.g. in the sco­pe of the se­lec­ted lan­gu­age or re­gion of the Use­r’s ori­gin, font si­ze, we­bsi­te ap­pe­aran­ce, etc.
  6. The so­ftwa­re used to brow­se we­bsi­tes may, by de­fault, al­low the sto­ra­ge of co­okies on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce. The Por­tal User may chan­ge the set­tings for co­okies at any ti­me. The­se set­tings can be chan­ged in par­ti­cu­lar in such a way as to block the au­to­ma­tic ma­na­ge­ment of co­okies in the set­tings of the web brow­ser or in­form eve­ry ti­me they are uplo­aded on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce. De­ta­iled in­formation abo­ut the po­ssi­bi­li­ties and ways of ma­na­ging the co­okie fi­les are ava­ila­ble in the set­tings of the web brow­ser so­ftwa­re.
  7. Re­stric­tions on the use of co­okie fi­les may af­fect so­me of the func­tio­na­li­ties ava­ila­ble on the Por­tal.
  8. Co­okie fi­les uplo­aded on the Use­r’s end de­vi­ce may al­so be used by ad­ver­ti­sers and other part­ners co­ope­ra­ting with the Por­tal Ow­ner.


  1. The Por­tal may con­ta­in in­te­gra­ted plu­gins for Fa­ce­bo­ so­cial ne­twor­king si­te (“Fa­ce­bo­ok”) pro­vi­ded by the com­pa­ny Fa­ce­bo­ok Inc. (ad­dress: 1601 S. Ca­li­for­nia Ave, Pa­lo Al­to, CA 94304, USA). Fa­ce­bo­ok plu­gins can be re­co­gni­zed by the de­di­ca­ted Fa­ce­bo­ok lo­go on the Por­tal, which is a hy­per­link to the Cen­tre­’s fan­pa­ge on Fa­ce­bo­ok. Ac­ti­ve pres­sing of the plu­gin, which is a hy­per­link to the Por­tal’s fan­pa­ge on Fa­ce­bo­ok, will cau­se that a di­rect con­nec­tion will be es­ta­bli­shed be­twe­en the Use­r’s web brow­ser in­stal­led on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce and the Fa­ce­bo­ok se­rver, and the Cen­tre­’s fan­pa­ge on Fa­ce­bo­ok will be di­splay­ed in the Use­r’s web brow­ser. As a re­sult of such a redi­rection, the Por­tal Ow­ner do­es not col­lect or pro­cess the Use­r’s per­so­nal da­ta and the en­ti­ty col­lecting and pro­cessing per­so­nal da­ta will be the Fa­ce­bo­ok pro­vi­der, in ac­cor­dan­ce with its pri­va­cy po­li­cy.
  2. The Por­tal may con­ta­in in­te­gra­ted plu­gins for the so­cial ne­twor­king si­te Go­ogle+ (“Go­ogle+”), which is pro­vi­ded by the com­pa­ny Go­ogle Inc. (ad­dress: 1600 Am­phi­the­ater Par­kway, Mo­un­ta­in View, CA 94043, USA. Go­ogle+ plu­gins can be re­co­gni­zed by the de­di­ca­ted Go­ogle+ lo­go on the Por­tal, which is a hy­per­link to the Cen­tre­’s fan­pa­ge on Go­ogle+ Ac­ti­ve pres­sing of the plu­gin, which is a hy­per­link to the Por­tal’s fan­pa­ge on Go­ogle+, will cau­se that a di­rect con­nec­tion will be es­ta­bli­shed be­twe­en the Use­r’s web brow­ser in­stal­led on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce and the Go­ogle+ se­rver, and the Cen­tre­’s fan­pa­ge on Fa­ce­bo­ok will be di­splay­ed in the Use­r’s web brow­ser. As a re­sult of such a redi­rection, the Por­tal Ow­ner do­es not col­lect or pro­cess the Use­r’s per­so­nal da­ta and the en­ti­ty col­lecting and pro­cessing per­so­nal da­ta will be the Go­ogle+ pro­vi­der, in ac­cor­dan­ce with its pri­va­cy po­li­cy.
  3. It is po­ssi­ble to em­bed on the Por­tal films using the em­bed co­de of a gi­ven film pla­ced on the Cen­tre­’s chan­nel on You Tu­be (“You Tu­be”), who­se pro­vi­der is the com­pa­ny YouTu­be LLC (ad­dress: 901 Cher­ry Ave­nue, San Bru­no, CA 94066 , USA). Due to the abo­ve, in so­me of the Por­tal’s tabs (e.g. in the Por­tal’s mul­ti­me­dia li­bra­ry) it is po­ssi­ble to em­bed and use de­di­ca­ted You Tu­be plu­gins (using em­bed co­de), which are a hy­per­link to the vi­de­os pla­ced on the Cen­tre­’s chan­nel on YouTu­be. Ac­ti­ve pres­sing of the de­di­ca­ted plu­gin but­ton, which is a com­mand to play the film em­bedded in the ap­pro­pria­te tab of the Por­tal, will cau­se than a di­rect con­nec­tion will be es­ta­bli­shed be­twe­en the Use­r’s web brow­ser in­stal­led on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce and the You Tu­be se­rver. As a re­sult of such a con­nec­tion, the Por­tal Ow­ner do­es not col­lect or pro­cess the Use­r’s per­so­nal da­ta and the en­ti­ty col­lecting and pro­cessing per­so­nal da­ta will be the You Tu­be pro­vi­der, in ac­cor­dan­ce with its pri­va­cy po­li­cy.
  4. The Por­tal may con­ta­in in­te­gra­ted plu­gins for the so­cial ne­twor­king si­te In­sta­ (“In­sta­gram”), who­se pro­vi­der is In­sta­gram LLC (ad­dress: 1601 Wil­low Ro­ad, Men­lo Park, CA 94025, USA). In­sta­gram plu­gins can be re­co­gni­zed by the de­di­ca­ted In­sta­gram lo­go on the Por­tal, which is a hy­per­link to the Cen­tre­’s fan­pa­ge on In­sta­gram. Ac­ti­ve pres­sing of the plu­gin, which is a hy­per­link to the Por­tal’s fan­pa­ge on In­sta­gram, will cau­se than a di­rect con­nec­tion will be es­ta­bli­shed be­twe­en the Use­r’s web brow­ser in­stal­led on the Use­r’s de­vi­ce and the Fa­ce­bo­ok se­rver, and the Cen­tre­’s fan­pa­ge on In­sta­gram will be di­splay­ed in the Use­r’s web brow­ser. As a re­sult of such a redi­rection, the Por­tal Ow­ner do­es not col­lect or pro­cess the Use­r’s per­so­nal da­ta and the en­ti­ty col­lecting and pro­cessing per­so­nal da­ta will be the In­sta­gram pro­vi­der, in ac­cor­dan­ce with its pri­va­cy po­li­cy.


  1. The Por­tal owner un­der­ta­kes to re­view this Pri­va­cy Po­li­cy on a re­gu­lar ba­sis and chan­ge it when it pro­ves ne­ces­sa­ry or ad­vi­sa­ble due to: new le­gal re­gu­la­tions, new gu­ide­li­nes from au­tho­ri­ties re­spon­si­ble for su­per­vi­sing the pro­ces­ses of per­so­nal da­ta pro­tec­tion, best prac­ti­ces ap­plied in the area per­so­nal da­ta se­cu­ri­ty.
  2. The Por­tal Ow­ner al­so re­se­rves the ri­ght to chan­ge this Pri­va­cy Po­li­cy if the­re are any chan­ges in tech­no­lo­gy, used to pro­cess per­so­nal da­ta, and if the­re are chan­ges to me­thods, pur­po­ses or le­gal gro­unds for pro­cessing of per­so­nal da­ta by the Por­tal Ow­ner.
  3. The re­vi­sed Pri­va­cy Po­li­cy en­ters in­to for­ce upon its pu­bli­ca­tion on the Por­tal.


We in­vi­te you to sub­mit qu­estions, com­ments and pro­po­sals re­gar­ding this pri­va­cy po­li­cy. Ple­ase send them in elec­tro­nic form to the fol­lo­wing e-ma­il ad­dress: galeriaprzymorze@ap­sys­gro­